ICDC2024 - Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability and Consumption

Welcome to the website dedicated to the "Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability and Consumption" to be held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on April 12, 2024. You will find here the main scientific and practical information about this event.

The conference is co-chaired by Dr. Hilary Downey (Queen's University Belfast, CHARMS, Northern Ireland), Dr. Anthony Beudaert (University Toulouse Jean Jaurès, CERTOP, France) and Dr. Jean-Philippe Nau (University of Lorraine, CEREFIGE, France), whose work has been largely devoted to consumers with disabilities.

The "Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability and Consumption" is organized by the Queen's Business School, Queen's University Belfast.

The Alternative Consumption Research (ALCOR) network dedicated to alternative forms of consumption and the H2i network on disability and inclusive innovation are also partners of this event.


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